A slow introduction awakens our senses, charms our spirit and guides us to serenity. The sound of the English horn opens this rather picturesque scene in which, the soloistgradually integrates and participates in a very warm dialogue with the orchestra.
Hisdelicacy and its voluptuous sounds are taken in a lyricism granting us somedelectation. Time seems suspended but it does not take long to resume its course. At this moment, the character of the music is radically changed, the soloist then reveals his true face: scornful or condescending, sometimes actor, sometimes spectator or even sometimes mischievous, he guides the orchestra towards insolence and mockery. He is impatient, capricious. He knows how to soften to be loved. He shows great agility.
The clarinet’s different registers are used - among other things - to highlight the desired moods. The high register will refer to a rather scathing and mocking language; the middle and low registers will try to seduce.
All this is combined with a sparkling orchestration and harmonic language sometimes biting, offering us a cocktail of piquant irony.