What The Funk?
Written as an opening to the second half of a concert, ‹What The Funk?› is an exciting piece
of music that features many sections of the band.
Written as an opening to the second half of a concert, ‹What The Funk?› is an exciting piece
of music that features many sections of the band.
Inspiration for ‹What The Funk?› comes from watching many invigorating performances at
Brass in Concert. Each band is out to show off their entertainment skills and this piece will
allow you to do just that!
The piece opens with a funk style bass line in the lower brass whilst an underlying exciting
rhythmic pulse comes from the percussion. The music builds as more rhythms are layered
together before bursting into a powerful chord at letter ‹C›. From here, each section takes
it’s turn to show off starting with the cornets. The soprano and the solo cornets introduce the
main theme whilst the back row keep the rhythmic pulse. Next is the horn section who once
again play the main theme, this time with a different harmonic accompaniment. From here,
the trombones are given chance to show their glissandi skills. The work of the bass section
and the percussion section drive this piece to the close.
This is the perfect way to welcome back an audience from an interval.