Seize the Day was written for the London-based International Staff Band of the Salvation Army, conductor Dr Stephen Cobb, the title serving as the theme for the band’s USA West Tour 2010.
As befits music being performed during a trip to the United States the work is based upon three traditional American spirituals. The first, The Gospel Train, is introduced following a carillon-like intrada in trombones and bells with supporting cornet flourishes. Ostinati drive the musical locomotive along until an abrupt halt ushers in another kind of vehicle, the celestial Sweet Chariot, featuring euphonium and trombone soloists.
The finale, Amen, celebrates the arrival at our destination with some tongue-in-cheek West Coast (and Swinging London!) references before a reprise of Swing Low, Sweet Chariotbrings the music to a majestic and joyful conclusion.