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  • Repertorium: 1e Divisie
  • A Journey to The Bermuda Triangle
    • Niet op voorraad
    A Journey to The...
    € 106,28

    Na het aanschouwen van haar favoriete zeezichtschilderij door Belgische kunstschilder Romain Steppe (1859-1927), was componiste Karoonyavanich direct geïnspireerd en begon te schrijven aan 'A Journey to The Bermuda Triangle’.

    Het werk bestaat uit 4 bewegingen: The Storm, The Graveyard, The Kingdom of Mermaids en The Escape.

  • Festive City
    € 81,49
  • Blitz
    • Niet op voorraad
    € 96,56

    The dictionary definition of Blitz is any sudden, overwhelming attack, particularly from the air. It is shortened form of the German word Blitzkrieg, literally meaning a lightning war.

    The piece is a test of skill, nerve and stamina, culminating in an aural ‘Blitz’ of great ferocity.

  • The Land of the Long White Cloud (Aotearoa)
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    The Land of the Long...
    € 96,56

    Aotearoa was the name given to New Zealand by its Polynesian settlers whose first sight of the islands was a long, flat cloud lying low over the land.

  • Ballet for Band
    € 96,56

    Ballet for Band was written as the test-piece for the Championship section finals of the National Brass Band Championships, held at the Royal Albert Hall in October 1983.

  • King's Messenger
    € 122,37
  • Main Street
    € 96,56

    A street of many moods: sometimes strangely quiet and beautiful, more often busy and jolly, with only a passing suggestion of the sinister. A street dominated by a fine Church, near which one can linger and dream. A street for grand parades on festival days.

  • Un Vie De Matelot
    € 96,56
  • Diversions on a Bass...
    € 114,66
  • Resurgam
    € 96,56

    Tone Poem

  • Seascapes
    € 114,66
  • Tam O'Shanter's Ride
    € 96,56

    Symphonic Sketch