Concert/ Concours
Clann Lir€ 90,63
Clann Lir werd gecomponeerd in opdracht van K.F. De Vrije Vlaamse Zonen (Kapelle-op-den-Bos) - olv Jan De Smedt
Decennium€ 166,80
Decennium werd in 2003 gecomponeerd in opdracht van de gemeente Bernheze bij gelegenheid van haar 10-jarig bestaan.
4e Divisie - groot repertorium
Ancient Temple€ 81,75
This work was commissioned specially for the Fourth Section of the 1971 series of Regional Qualifying Finals for the National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain
Petite Suite de Ballet€ 73,52
This composition consists of four ‘miniatures’, simple in construction, yet not without technical demands upon the players.
The music is for a ballet which so far exists only in the imagination! Like most ballet, it has a touch of the fantastic, and must be interpreted with a light, deft touch.
Hinemoa€ 96,56
Commissioned by the New Zealand Brass Band Association Inc. to commemorate 100 years of contesting in New Zealand.