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  • Uitgever: GJK Music
  • Carols of Old
    € 80,00

    Carols of Old is a fantasy on two Christmas carols: Lo, how a Rose and the Coventry Carol. Both carols seem to originate in the sixteenth century, hence the title. The carols are exposed in their original form as well as transformed in a rhapsodic manner. The work can be performed with or without a choir.

  • Fanfare de Angelis
    € 80,00

    Fanfare de Angelis is a concert opener for brass band. The fanfare theme, as well as the choral theme, are based on the first four notes of the Kyrië from the Missa de Angelis (F-A-Bb-C). The mass itself is intended for feasts and commonly used in the Christmas mass. Therefore, next to being a great opener for your concerts, it can also be used during Christmas.