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  • Prelude and Fugue
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    Prelude and Fugue
  • Format Molenaar
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    Get Your Groove on!
  • Gravity Force
  • A Social Suite
  • Sylvester Fantasy -...

    Sylvester Suite was written by composer Marc van Delft in the Christmas New Year period, around New Year, the "Sylvester period". The work was commissioned by the Netherlands Institute for Wind Music for the Dutch Brass Band Championships as a 3rd division work.

  • Smile
  • Three-Part Invention
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    Three-Part Invention

    Written by Keneth Downie for the 25th. Anniversary of the Netherlands Brass Band Championships in 2005 and used again in 2006. The composer writes: I borrowed the title for this music from J.S.Bach. Any similarity with Bach is very loose and superficial however. I am really only using the term to describe a suite, invented by me which happens to be in three movements.

  • The Lion King
  • Triple Dutch

    Testpiece Dutch Brass Band Championships 2003 3rd Division

  • City Lights
  • War Dance

    From Belkis, Queen of Sheba

  • Circle of Life