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  • Graad: 2
  • Graad: 3,5
  • Uitgever: BVT Music
  • Uitgever: Obrasso Verlag AG
  • Musica Festosa
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    Musica Festosa

    Musica Festosa is geschreven als eerbetoon aan cultuur in Heist-op-den-Berg. De titel omschrijft de muziek perfect. Feest! Je kan het zien als een moderne stapmars met Amerikaanse drumline invloeden. Het thema is speels en komt op verschillende manieren terug in de compositie. Leuk om te spelen en naar te luisteren!

  • Amadeus
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  • Milord
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  • Remember The Fallen

    This composition is dedicated to the estimated 37 million lives, both of military and service personnel, lost during both World War One and World War Two. Inspiration for this work is taken from Laurence Binyon’s poem ‹For The Fallen›.

  • Turtle Rock
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    Turtle Rock

    Gorkhi-Terelj is one of Mongolia’s national parks, located 55km north-east of Ulaanbaatar. Unlike the nearby steppes, it has mountains and trees, including large stands of tamarack, which turn golden in autumn. The park has a magnificent alpine landscape, many rock formations for rock climbers, and includes a famous formation called Turtle Rock (Melkhii Khad) because of the shape it resembles. Well known as a tourist destination, the gigantic rock was formed and carved into the shape

    of a turtle only by wind and rainwater, and is located just off the main road into the park. Legend says King Galdanboshigt hid all his treasures there during the Manchu war in 1600. Since then it’s been worshipped by the locals as a treasure rock that brings good fortune to those who visit.

  • Oz: the Green Wizard
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    Oz: the Green Wizard
  • Brabançonne
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    Belgian National Anthem

  • Majestic Mountain
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    Majestic Mountain
  • Fanfare for an Occasion
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    Fanfare for an Occasion
  • The Maid Of Orleans
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    The Maid Of Orleans