Remember The Fallen

Remember The Fallen

Levertijd 10-14 dagen

This composition is dedicated to the estimated 37 million lives, both of military and service personnel, lost during both World War One and World War Two. Inspiration for this work is taken from Laurence Binyon’s poem ‹For The Fallen›.




The piece opens with a repeated perfect 5th interval to bring about a solemn atmosphere. Following this, a slow, hymn-like melody is introduced and this forms the basis for the rest of the piece. As the music moves into letter ‹C›, the music builds in tension and a new melody is introduced. The use of suspensions in the music helps to build emotion and bring the music back to the starting material. At letter ‹D›, The Last Post can be heard in the cornet/trumpet section over the top of the opening material to bring the piece to a close. As a performance suggestion, try standing the trumpets at either side of the band to make The Last Post element stand out. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.

Data sheet

Thomas Ridgley
Obrasso Verlag AG

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