It Heitelân€79.00
Rob Goorhuis heet het lied 'It Heitelân' verwerkt in de fanfare compositie 'Yeleke'. Al snel bleek er ook behoefte te zijn naar een afzonderlijke bewerking van dit (officieuze) tweede volkslied van Friesland.
The young British composer Ben Hollings found his inspiration for 'Nightglow' during a night out in the open air. The work is inspired by a nocturnal celestial scene in which the scattered stars, comets, galaxies and other astronomical elements create a warm 'nocturnal glow' in the darkness of space. A beautiful slow work for any band!
The work was commissioned by K.F. De Berthoutzonen as part the collaboration 'Fanfarissimo' between 9 fanfare bands to expand the original repertoire.