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  • ThreEmotions
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  • Flight of the Albatross
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    Flight of the Albatross
  • Tree of Bliss
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    Tree of Bliss
  • Paean Pastorale
  • Off we go!
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    Off we go!
  • A Legend
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    A Legend

    1. The Beginning 2. The Choice 3. An Unexpected End

  • Best Friends
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    Best Friends
  • Cardigan Bay
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    Cardigan Bay
  • Adamas
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    Listen to the score here

  • Those gazing eyes
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    Those gazing eyes

    Those gazing eyes is a programmatic work: We see a child gazing into the distance, slowly we enter his fantasy.

  • Where Words Fail
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    Where Words Fail

    A well-known statement by Hans Christiaan Andersen is: “Where words fail, music speaks.” In Where Words Fail, the composer also lets the music speak about things he could not find the words for.

  • Istrian Pictures
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    Istrian Pictures