Evening Rise€79.00
Evening Rise Spirit Come is the English version of an Indian song, probably a Hopi song. It is one of the most famous shamanic songs. Meanwhile it is also sung in many Christian churches. Unlike other Indian shamanic songs, it is more of a calm, sustained, meditative song.
Ducks on the Road€84.99
Attention drivers and cyclists, theres something happening on the road - the ducks are on the move! Quacking and waddling along the street they dominate the traffic scene. To the left, to the right, in their own good time! Its not so far to the next pond after all...
In dit werk krijgen we te maken met keiharde kerels en gevaarlijke lieden. Als we niet voorzichtig zijn, komen we zelf in gevaar. Aangezien er om elke hoek een gangster op de loer kan liggen, is het oppassen geblazen!